Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Here a car, there a car, every where a car

Last week I found myself listening to Dave Ramsey on the radio. Mostly I enjoy and agree w/ Dave (author of Total Money Makeover available from Amazon) but last week I found myself thinking that he is not always right.

He was talking to a caller and telling her that priorities (in order) were a place to live, utilities, food on the table, a vehicle w/ a full tank of gas. While I completely agreed w/ Dave on the first 3 and even 6 mos ago would have agreed on the 4th, I found myself thinking that the "need" for a vehicle is totally dependent on where you live and where you actually "need" to be! I grew up w/ the idea that adults need cars and therefore as an adult I needed a car. I found it very interesting that many people in large cities didn't even know how to drive let alone own cars but for me then it was pretty much a "curiosity" rather than a life style I might consider embracing. However, I find myself living on a bus line that goes 90% of the places I want or need to go on a reasonable time table and realize that the cost and upkeep of even a well used car FAR exceeds the cost riding the bus and just renting a car when I need or want to venture farther afield.

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